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Stebbing History Society Events
Below are the dates and subjects of the Stebbing History Society events is 2025.
All meetings are held at the Stebbing Village Hall, Mill Lane, Stebbing, Essex, CM6 3SL. Entry is free to members and guests are charged £2. All meetings start at 8 p.m. The meetings always consist of a guest speaker on a local subject and there is always a display of different documents and photographs from our archives.
2025 Programme:
- 10th February: Graham Jolliffe: Medieval Stebbing Project update / John Evans: A personal selection of photographs from the SLHS Image Archive. It is also the A.G.M.
- 14th April: Alan Crouchman: Flak Bait – a miraculous survival / The impact of the Americans – family stories. Both talks relate to Andrewsfield in WWII.
- 9th June: Simon Coxall: Armchair archaeology.
- 8th September: To be confirmed.
- 10th November: Neil Wiffen: subject to be confirmed.
Stebbing Cricket Club
Message from Stebbing Cricket Club Committee
Hope you are all having a lovely winter and are looking forward to the summer of cricket we have planned for the year ahead.
Firstly, 2024 was a massive success for the club. Following the unfortunate passing of our chairman Phil Barker, volunteers, new and old, stepped up to guide the club through this difficult period. Whilst the cricket was at times of a questionable quality, the club flourished and many enjoyable afternoons of cricket were had.
The club would like to congratulate Ben Riley on becoming our new Club President and wish him well with his efforts to continue to grow the club. With this new appointment we say goodbye to our outgoing President, Kevin Farr who we thank for his years of dedication and hard work to the club. Also, we welcome new committee members, Paul Hazle (Groundsman), Graeme Dewar, Max Glen-Doepel (Fixtures & Comms), Richard Cross (Dunmow CC Partnership Officer), Chris Townsend (Safeguarding Officer). Also, we congratulate Wally Crow on formally becoming Head Groundsman. The club is always looking for new volunteers to help support - if you want to get involved, please get in touch.
We thank our VPs and Corporate Sponsors for their continued support and hope to maintain these donations moving forward. Growing these existing fundraising methods, along with the introduction of membership and club socials, will enable the club to strengthen its financial position and help the club to thrive in collaboration with the local community.
To keep you entertained through some of these gloomy, cricketless evenings, we have a couple of social events planned:
- Christmas Drinks, The White Hart Pub, Friday 20th December at 7.30pm.
- Pub Quiz, The White Hart Pub, Wednesday 5th February.
Thank you to everyone for a lovely 2024 season! As we look ahead to next season, we believe the club will be in store for a successful 2025 and will be able to work towards its mission: to create opportunities for participation in village cricket, for both new and experienced players, in a way that enhances village life and builds communities in Stebbing and the surrounding areas.
Stebbing Cricket Club Committee