Draft Stebbing Neighbourhood Plan - Consultation 

The consultation on the draft Stebbing Neighbourhood Plan took place between September and November 2020.

A summary of the results are below:

  • 51 responses to the questionnaire and 20 replies from ‘interested’ parties.

  • 92% said they agreed or strongly agreed with the overall plan, 4% disagreed.

  • Most (13 out of 20) of the polices received > 95% agreement.

  • 3 policies gained less than 90% approval;

    • Policy 8 (Blackwater Estuary SPA) 86% approval, however all the others (14%) were don’t knows.

    • Policy 16 (Tourism) 88% approval, 6% disapproval.

    • Policy H1-7 (Housing allocations) 69% approval, 18% disapproval. On the comments; 1 disagreed with the H1 development, 1 disagreed with the H4 development, 1 disagreed with the H2 and H3 developments, 1 disagreed with the H1 and H8 developments and 1 disagreed with the H1, H2, H4 & H5 developments.

  • 84% said they would vote in the referendum.


Stebbing Neighbourhood Plan - 3rd Questionnaire

At a public consultation meeting on 9th December at the Friends Meeting House a questionnaire asking for residents views about proposed sites for local 'Green Spaces' and a 'Green Wedge' was made available.  This was also available on-line after the meeting until 5th January.

A summary of the results are below:

69 responses were received.

Of the proposed Green Spaces:

    97% of responses agreed the Cricket Ground, Mill Lane should be protected.

    97% of responses agreed Alcott’s Field should be protected.    

    95% of responses agreed the village allotments should be protected. 

    92% of responses agreed the field opposite the school should be protected.

    91% of responses agreed the field opposite the Downs should be protected. 

    94% of responses agreed wild flower meadow in Stebbing Green should be protected. 

90% of responses thought the proposed  'Green Wedge' was essential, 7% thought it was important and 1% thought it was not important.

48% of responses thought the 'Green Wedge' was about the right size and 46% thought it was too small.

Stebbing Neighbourhood Plan - 2nd Questionnaire

A questionnaire for the Stebbing Neighbourhood Plan was completed by parish residents in April / May of this year.  

A summary of the results are below:

532 responses were received from a parish of just over 550 properties.

53% of responses thought the village should not be extended beyond the current built-up areas.

90% of responses thought the West of Braintree proposal was a ‘bad thing’ for the parish, 4% thought it was a ‘good thing’.

95% of responses thought all new buildings in Stebbing should be sympathetic to the local surroundings.

71% of responses thought there was not enough parking available for the village needs.

Stebbing’s Landscape Environment was the most important element of the parish for residents; 97% said it was important or very important

Aircraft noise was the biggest concern of residents; 63% said they were very or fairly concerned about it.