Composition of the Parish Council
Stebbing Parish Council consists of 9 elected councillors and a salaried clerk. Councillors are elected every four years - the next election is in 2023. The chairman and vice chairman are elected annually from among councillors
Stebbing Parish Council is non-political – it represents the interests of the village in general, although there is nothing to prevent people from political parties standing for election.
The Parish Council is a tier of local government covering the village of Stebbing. There are 10,500 parish and community councils in England and Wales.
The Parish Council has a range of local responsibilities:
- It owns, manages and maintains Stebbing Green, the Alcott Field, Pulford Field and the Mill Lane Recreation ground which it purchased in 2018 with the help of donations and a Mortgage from the Public Works Loan Board. The Cricket Club maintains the pitch and outfield and the Council maintains the remainder. Uttlesford District Council (UDC) has a long (99 years) lease on the recreation area next to Marshalls Piece, for the protection of that area, and UDC is responsible for maintenance. The Parish Council maintains other areas in the village for which it has title deeds or has accepted responsibility including Downs Common in front of Downs Terrace. Stebbing Green, which supports about 100 species of plants, is managed in accordance with expert ecological advice.
- It supports, within financial limitations, village sports, including the cricket and football clubs and village organisations, especially those which benefit younger or older parishioners.
- It provides and maintains children’s play equipment and appropriate safety surfaces on the Alcott Field, Pulford Field and Mill Lane Recreation Ground. The equipment is subjected to an annual independent safety inspection. The council acts on this so the equipment complies with current safety standards.
- It provides allotment gardens, available to any parishioner, at a nominal rent.
- It owns the Friends Meeting House and Village Hall. The Friends Meeting House is managed by Trustees. The Village Hall is let on a long lease to a Management Committee. The purchase and restoration of the village hall was funded as far as possible by the village and various grants. The balance was paid for by a mortgage from the Public Works Loan Board and theParish council paid the mortgage to its completion in 2018.
- It has representation on a number of local groups and charities, including the School, The John Buttolfe Charity, Friends Meeting House, Village Hall, Road Safety and Transport Committees.
- It assists where possible with the maintenance of the Church Yard and approaches.
- It maintains the War Memorial at Church Corner. The Memorial is grade II listed and held by the Council "in trust for the inhabitants of Stebbing for ever that the memory of our brave fellow parishioners may be preserved imperishable and their names and deeds may never be forgotten".
- It provides and maintains street lights on the roads through out the village and in Bran End Fields but not those on developers’ roads (Garden Fields, Brookfields and Marshalls Piece)
- It gives an opinion on planning applications affecting land or property within the Parish. (Uttlesford District Council makes the decisions.)
- It consults with and makes representations to The Highways Department on road safety matters including speed limits, footpath improvements, road signs, road maintenance and public footpaths.
- It arranges removal of dumped cars, fly tipped rubbish, litter and other offensive matters.
Complaints about the Parish Council’s procedures or administration may be put in writing to the Clerk or the Chairman. Complaints about an individual councillor’s conduct should be put in writing to the Monitoring Officer at Uttlesford District Council. Council Offices, London Road, Saffron Walden, CB11 4ER
The Parish Council meets at 7.30 pm on the second Thursday every month except August (see agenda for venue). If a meeting falls on Maundy Thursday it is moved forward one week. All meetings are open to the public other than when confidential business is being considered. At the beginning of the meeting, there is a 15- minute public discussion period, when people have the opportunity to raise village matters that are of concern or interest.
The Council's budget is set each January, when the needs of the village for the next financial year are discussed and priorities agreed. The budget (precept) is raised by Uttlesford District Council through the council tax; it gives the Parish Council the precept in two instalments during the year. The Parish Council’s budget for 2021/22 is £49,835.
Standing for election
Local people who are Commonwealth or Euro-national citizens can stand for election if they meet one of the following: being listed on the electoral roll or, for at least a year, being either resident in or within 3 miles of the Parish, occupying land in the Parish as owner or tenant, or having their principal or only place of work there. Elections are held every four years, Stebbing Councillors receive no payment for their membership of the Parish Council, but they can claim travel expenses for approved Council business. Councillors have to declare various interests. The register of Councillors’ interests is kept by Uttlesford District Council. Councillors also have to agree to and abide by a code of conduct.